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It’s happening : Ende Gelände reaches the mine

posté le 13/05/16 par Louise Mots-clés  action  alternatives  économie  luttes environnementales 

[Lire le communiqué en français] [Lire un article du Monde]


After months of preparation, it’s finally happening. Almost 3000 people have set off from the Ende Gelände camp here in eastern Germany to shut down one of Europe’s largest and dirtiest lignite coal mines in a daring mass act of civil disobedience for the climate. The first ‘fingers’ of the action just reached the mine !

BREAKING : #endegelaende activists reach the mine ! There are SO many people they are unstoppable ! #breakfree2016
— Europe (@350Europe) May 13, 2016

You can tune in to watch all the action unfolding here through the weekend, from a live stream video to social media updates and photos from the heart of the action.

For years, Vattenfall’s huge lignite mines have gradually swallowed up the landscape and the villages surrounding them here in Lusatia, Germany. We now have a unique opportunity to keep this coal in the ground and stop the Swedish government from selling off its dirty coal operations to the highest bidder. Through our mass civil disobedience, we’ll show that we’re prepared to confront the power of the fossil fuel industry together to keep fossil fuels in the ground, forever.
Show them they’re not alone : stand with them and take action now

As people stream down into the mines here in Proschim, around the world, tens of thousands of people are shutting down some of the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel projects. Politicians and the industry will try and dismiss them as a radical minority. But they’re not - these are people just like you, pushed to take bold action because this climate crisis calls for it.

This fight is about to get real and we need you on our side.

For climate justice,
Louise for the whole team here at Ende Gelände

PS. Wish you were here in Germany ? You can experience it like you are. We’ll be livestreaming and liveblogging all the action here throughout the weekend. Tune in and join the conversation online using the hashtag #BreakFree2016

posté le  par Louise  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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