Hacking Justice documentary film

posté le 08/02/20 par Hungry For Press Freedom
lieu : Plug & Pop
adresse : Rue Blaes 132, Bruxelles

Mots-clés  luttes sociales  médias  luttes numériques / internet  solidarité  projection / débat / concert 

Dirs. Clara Lopez Rubio & Juan Pancorbo

This documentary looks back on the meetings between Julian Assange and Baltasar Garzon- one of the most competent lawyers in his field-to help resolve this important, complex and international case. With privileged access over several years the filmmakers followed the defense team up close. The outcome of this case will undoubtedly affect the freedom of information worldwide.

Since Julian Assange’s arrest on April 11th, 2019 he has been sentenced to 50 weeks in jail-by the British justice system-for skipping bail. Currently he is locked up in Belmarsh high security prison, just outside London. His trial starts on February 24, 2020, and will decide on his possible extradition to the U.S. .

2017/ 90 min/VO st FR

- free entrance-

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