posté le 22/09/15 par Guik - Bitchcraft
lieu : Le Barlok
adresse : avenue du port 53, Bruxelles
Mots-clés  art  genre / sexualité  projection / débat / concert  féminisme 

october 3rd - Le Barlok
start 21h - on donation

* Valeskja Valcav *
(electro/expe – FR)

* Psychic Waves *
(post punk/cold wave – FR)

* Paralympics *
(female fronted punk-rock – NL)

* Madame Patate *
(DJ set – BE)

* Tzii *
(DJ set – BE)

* NYX *
(VJ set – GER)

* Larsens *
(screenings – BE)

* Dr Black Satin *
(video – FR)

* Divine Putain *
(performance – FR)

* Tchivett *
(performance – GER)


& distro, zines, alcohol free bar…

All the details about the event here.
The poster & the back.

Le Barlok : avenue du port 53 – 1000 Bruss’Hells
Bitchcraft :

No bullshit behaviour please, stay respectful !

More than 11 artists or bands invited for the occasion, coming all the way from Amsterdam, Berlin, France and many other places, specially for the event.
The money from the entrance is equally splitted between them all at the end of the night.
So PLEASE be generous at the donation if you can, that’s the easier way of showing respect to the people working hard to give you unforgettable nights of pleasure !

Subscribe to our newsletter here.
or send us an email at :

Artwork by Cancer & Misanthropie, extract from a book in progress.

Next event : Assloween party on october 30th @ Le Bokal Royal 123
with Nothing Lasts / Lawine / Badaboum / Killtura + DJ sets
Crazy spooky deco by Soom
Start 20h - on donation

All our agenda here.

See you soon !

posté le  par Guik - Bitchcraft  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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