Bons baisers du camping - Bitchcrush

posté le 02/09/15 par bitchcraft
lieu : Le Barlok
adresse : Avenue du Port 53, Bruxelles
Mots-clés  genre / sexualité  projection / débat / concert  féminisme 

« Bons baisers du camping – Bitchcrush »

Monday september 14th @ Le Barlok
Start 21h – on donation

* La Casa Fantom *
(hardcore / experimental – Norway)
La Casa Fantom is a noisy duo from the forest of Norway.
Since 2000 they have been bugging the conservative with a medieval something-core across 30 different countries in Europe spread out on more than 550 concerts and a bunch of vinyls.

* Parve *
(doom / experimental – Israël)
Parve is a poststonergrungedowntempononmelodicdroneconcept duo from Jerusalem, Israël.
Their music is a jucy blend of sludge, noise, stoner, drone, improv, shamanism and fear of technology inspired by the cat Moog.
Parve speaks in fake french about daily issues, such as love, death and religion.

* Mimi Kawouin *
(circuit-bending / experimental – France)
Mimi Kawouin brings a refreshing sound beverage of improvisational groovy nuttiness.
With the charming greetings of a welcoming visit to the famous street of Sesame, Mimi shows he has a sweet side.
Mimi invites us deep down in a damp sounding trash can in which a delicious setup of blended circuits is gathered along the walls.
Mimi plugs them into the electrics and showcases a fairly friendly rythmic wonder world that get the shoulders unblocked in swinging swings to follow up in the funky nutty grooves.

+ Alcohol free bar & small distro

Be kind, no bullshit please (racism, sexism, whatever inappropirate hatred behaviour)
Don’t act stupid if you don’t wanna get kicked out.

Le Barlok, avenue du port 53, 1000 Bruss’Hells

To keep informed of our activities, register to our mailing-list here :
No facebook event, but please feel free to share the flyer everywhere !

Artwork by Misanthropie :

Next events :
– october 3rd : Bitchcraft party @ Le Barlok / Concerts, DJ’s, VJ’s, performances, screenings & many more…
– october 30th : Assloween @ Bokal Royal 123 with Nothing Lasts, Lawine, Badaboum & Killtura. Special horror theme & deco.
– november 20th : ECM @ Le Barlok (with Pute Acier)
– december 19th : Guik’s vegan wurtzprise party

posté le  par bitchcraft  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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