Brussels against Roosh V and his misogynist supporters

posté le 03/02/16 par ANTIFA BRUSSELS
lieu : Place Royal Brussels
Mots-clés  féminisme 

#‎BRUSSELS‬ - American writer and pickup artist Daryush Valizadeh aka Roosh V, known for his controversial writings on seduction and antifeminism (He proposes to legalise rape on private property and has published tips on how and where to rape women), has organised meetings of his followers in cities around the world, including Brussels.

The events are called ‪#‎ReturnOfKings‬ and will take place in 43 countries. Also in Brussels an event is planned. They will meet at the Royal square next to the statue. They will look for eachother by asking around for a "pet shop". A local organiser will then take them to a secret location.

The chances are real they will look for victims to rape. This calls for action !


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