Bytenight 2014

posté le 23/01/14
lieu : Hacker Space Brussels
adresse : Rue du Moulin 40, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode
Mots-clés  médias  alternatives 

As an after-party to the big FOSDEM open source conference in Brussels, the oldest hackerspace in town is organising a free party. Expect multiple floors, multiple sound set-ups and chilly atmosphere.
It’s Bytenight’s fifth birthday this year, and last year was the last party in the garage in Schaarbeek.

This year we’ve moved to a new house at Molenstraat 40, Sint-Joost-ten-Noode |aka| 40 Rue du Moulin, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode. +- 15 min walk from the north station.

For a partystarting spirit, visit last year’s photo reel, or the pic’s from year before.

We’re very busy preparing the space, but it’s coming together !
Expect some updates soon !

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