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Demos on Sunday against repressive corona measures

posté le 27/01/21 Mots-clés  action  luttes sociales  répression / contrôle social 

Thousands people are expected to take part in Sunday demonstrations across Brussels for protesting against anti-democratic measures put in place by the Belgian government. The main one could be at the Atomium at 11am. Another one should be “Liberté ; pour le retour de notre État de droit (translated as “Liberty ; for the return of our rule of law”) close to the train station Bruxelles-Central.

Olivier Slosse of the Brussels-Capital Ixelles police says that authorizations have not been agreed yet. This follows recent regulations according to which the maximum number of participants must be limited to 100.

Last Sunday hundreds of demonstators and simple passers-by were rightlessly jailed and tortured following a demo in Mont-des-Arts, just next to Bruxelles-Central.


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