Implementing the Common European Asylum System : Towards Better Protection and Fairer Procedures

posté le 17/02/14
Mots-clés  action  luttes sociales  répression / contrôle social  sans-papiers  antifa 

Key Speakers
Matthias Oel, Head of Unit, Asylum and Relations with EASO, DG Home Affairs, European Commission
Markus Jaeger, Head of Migration Coordination, Council of Europe
Michèle Morel, Legal Expert, Asylum and Migration, Caritas International
Rachel Westerby, City Coordinator, Chair of SHARE Project, International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe
Richard Lewis, Senior Research Fellow Migration and Diversity, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Peter Graham, Associate Partner and Global Leader for Border Security and Immigration at IBM, Global Business Services
Barbara Harrell-Bond OBE, Director, Fahamu Refugee Programme ; Founder/Director, Refugee Studies Centre

In 2012, there were over 330,000 applications for asylum in the EU, representing a 10% increase on the previous year highlighting the need to provide adequate protection measures and responses throughout the EU. In addition to the figures, other elements provide cause for concern, such as the growing number of unaccompanied minors. Groups such as these require particular attention and measures in order to properly protect them.

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted legislation in June 2013 on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection. This is the latest development in a series of steps towards harmonising asylum procedures in the EU. These developments towards the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) should enter into force in 2015 ; with the most recent Dublin rules being implemented in 2014. This raises the question of the challenges to implementation faced by MemberStates and how these new rules and regulations will impact the existing systems and standards already in place.

The EU institutions and the agencies that have been created are vital in providing a monitoring role and pushing towards harmonisation, whilst managing borders in an effective way that ensures respect for fundamental rights. These agencies provide a focal point for the EU to undertake research and gather information, as well as giving a range of support, training and stimulation for further action.

This timely International Symposium will examine the implications of current directives and rules for asylum at an EU level and assess the implementation challenges for Member States as they transpose them into their national legislation. The Symposium offers a vital platform to discuss the current dimensions for granting and withdrawing international protection and explore how all stakeholders must contribute to facilitate better cooperation and better protection for asylum seekers, which includes finding the right compromise between guaranteeing human rights and ensuring that immigration controls are effective and efficient.

The Symposium will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debate with local and regional practitioners and policymakers at EU level.

Delegates will :

Discuss the implementation challenges for the Common European Asylum System
Analyse the current asylum dimensions and opportunities in Europe
Explore possibilities for increasing cooperation between MemberStates and major stakeholders in improving reallocation and resettlement policies in Europe
Exchange best practices from pivotal projects implemented in Europe

09:15 Registration and Morning Refreshments
10:00 Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

Current Regulation Implementation Challenges Within the EU

Assessing the Impact and Role of the Dublin III Regulation
Inter-Agency and Inter-Institutional Cooperation Challenges and Successes
Ensuring and Facilitating MemberState Compliance and Coordination
Recommendations for Future Policy Initiatives

10:40 First Round of Discussions
11:10 Morning Coffee Break
11:30 Analysing Current Asylum Dimensions in Europe

Discussing Detention of Asylum Seekers Under the EU Legal Framework
Assessing the Issue of Unaccompanied Minors
Including and Identifying Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Criteria
Targeting Better Integration and Provision of Opportunities
Conclusions and Recommendations

12:00 Second Round of Discussions
12:30 Networking Lunch
13:30 Towards Effective, Harmonised and Ethical Border Control in the EU

Increasing and Further Developing Specialised Training
Analysing Migration Routes and Targeting Better Migration Flow Management
Assessing the Role of New Technologies and Systems
Recommendations for Future Action

14:00 Third Round of Discussions
14:30 Afternoon Coffee Break
14:50 Ensuring the Protection and Guaranteeing Rights of Asylum Seekers

Providing Support and Better Informing Asylum Seekers of their Rights
Exploring Asylum Seekers Access to Services in Europe
Regional Protection Programmes - Consolidating Protection Capacities in the Regions of Origin
Past and Ongoing Initiatives - Lessons Learned and Recommendations

15:20 Fourth Round of Discussions
15:50 Chair’s Summary and Closing Remarks
16:00 Networking Reception and Refreshments
16:30 Symposium Close

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