Désolé de publier en "local" mais nous avons besoin des "locaux" bruxellois et belges.
Ce qui suit est un échange de mail en anglais et français :
Suivez les dernières nouvelles sur :
Right now, and believe me we are all hating it too, getting the police
involved is our only option. We know the police are *** fascists and
that they are doing all they can to do as little as they can about the
situation, but until numbers arrive they are the only things stopping a
mob of 50 people breaking into the house and beating the shit out of
anyone they find inside.
We are trying to make contact with antifa groups in the area of Calais and
north of France/Belgium, and we would encourage other people to do the
same. But realistically, we have been trying this for a number of days and
the situation with numbers on the ground has not really changed enough. If
people want to take on getting in touch with people and arranging
transport to come here, we would be over the moon about it.
Once numbers on the ground change, our tactics for dealing with the
situation would change, but we are going to need people in the outside
world to help us making this call out and links.
For an update of what has happened tonight. People have been unable to get
access to the squat for over 7 hours now. There have been anywhere from
20-50 fascists attacking the squat, and likely have people in smaller,
more mobile groups all around. They have been making threats of tonight
being the night they get in. A large section of the roof of the building
has been destroyed by them throwing stones and rocks at the roof. At one
point 40 fascists nearly gained entry to the front gate and the situation
is still ongoing at the moment.
> Hello.
> I am sorry not to be there with you.
> I appreciate it must be very tense for people in the building, but is our
> best response really to beg the police, i.e., the biggest fascist gang of
> all, for help ??
> Realistically, also, I would not expect to get large numbers of people
> over from England as reinforcements.
> It seems to me this is really a situation where there needs to be support
> from local antifascists, for example from Lille, Paris, Brussels or other
> nearby cities. For example, perhaps we could help organise transport to
> bring groups to Calais for specific days ? Even if it is not immediately
> possible, it seems essential to build good connections with anti-fascists
> nearby in France (and Belgium ?) so that they can be mobilised for these
> kinds of situations in future. I wonder are people working on this ?
> Solidarity.
> Bonjour.
> Je suis désolé de ne pas être là avec vous.
> J’apprécie que ca doit être très tendue pour les camarades dans le squat,
> mais est-ce que la meilleure réponse c’est vraiment de demander l’aide à
> la police - c’est à dire - la plus grande bande de fachos en france ?
> De façon réaliste, je crois qu’on ne va pas pouvoir attirer un grand
> nombre de militants d’Angleterre en renfort.
> Il me semble que c’est vraiment une situation où on devrait avoir le
> soutien d’antifascistes locaux, par exemple de Lille, Paris, Bruxelles ou
> d’autres villes voisines. Nous pourrions peut-etre aider à organiser du
> transport pour amener des groupes à Calais pour des jours spécifiques ?
> Même si ce n’est pas immédiatement possible, il me semble essentiel
> d’établir de bonnes relations avec les anti-fascistes à proximité en
> France (et en Belgique ?), afin qu’ils puissent mobilisés pour ce genre de
> situations à l’avenir. Je me demande si il y a des gens qui travaillent
> sur ce projet ?
> Solidarité.
>> Like yesterday...
>> 20 fascists are throwing stones at the squat at 122 rue Dumont Coulogne.
>> 3
>> cops are there, but do nothing. The prefect said there would be arrests,
>> but nothing happen.
>> So please call the police again and again, asking them to do his fucking
>> job ...
>> Thank you !
>> On prends les mêmes, et on recommence...
>> 20 fachos sont en train de jeter des pierres sur le squat 122 rue dumont
>> à
>> Coulogne. 3 flics sont là, mais ne font rien. Le préfet avait dit qu’il
>> y
>> aurait des arrestations, il n y en a pas.
>> Donc, re appel à vous pour ré appeler la police, encore et encore, pour
>> leur demander de faire son taf...
>> Merci !
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