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Urgent Call from HAMBACH FOREST

posté le 25/11/17 par HambiChaosCrew Mots-clés  luttes environnementales 

The courtcase which gave the Forest of Hambach a little more time to prepeare for cutting season is lost. RWE started today with clearing bushes to prepear for total cutting.
The preparations for an massiv police action are obviously. They announced that they want to evict the whole occupation. We expect them latest on Monday for evictions. They are already in the forest protecting machinery. So we need to mobilise our forces as well.

But to make it possible that Hambach Forest stays we need you and your frieds/comr@des !

At best come around.

At best bring with you :
- sleepingbag, matress
- your friends
- an idea of what you wanna do (the Infrastructre of RWE is too huge as they could protect all)
- waterproof boots, camouflage-cloths
- camera (for recording police violence)
- working gloves
- toothbrush
- 1st aid stuff
- rainstuff
- a small tent (not necassary but if you have)
- no drugs
- no passport (if you need it for travelling, burry it somewhere in the woods)

What you can do from outside :

- spread the news
- do what ever you like to show solidarity
- distract police forces (they will need cops from all germany to evict us)
- attack the veins of capitalism & its fossil fuel industry
- dont get caught
- dont forget them in the cages

See you on the barricades

posté le  par HambiChaosCrew  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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