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Video clip launch of Red Alibi

posté le 30/12/18 par goullagoullik & red alibi Mots-clés  art 

Storm Roses Live Session at Bayron Studio

Here is a studio recording of Storm Roses from our first album !

We would like to continue to promote Red Alibi with the production of it’s first dedicated video clip. A great way to reach a wider audience and share our musical vision.

Find there the crowdfunding campaign :

The intersection of differing artistic worlds under the same musical umbrella is something very close to our hearts. This project allows us to visualize our universe through a dialogue between music, dance and architecture.
This is what we need...

Your support will allow us to finance the entire clip : Location rental (castle) Accommodation (crew and band) Production and performance fees (crew and dancer) Rent of technical equipment Catering

Goullagoullik "sketch for the cover album of red alibi" ink on paper, 11.2016

Red Alibi is "a story of the heart for being somewhere else"

- words -
Writing lyrics is easy. The challenge is in finding stories that can resonate with the musicians so that a work of fiction may come to mirror the truth. The work on -coma- offered me this opportunity. And more.
I don’t know that I’ve ever worked with two musicians who took such care with their craft. Lara and Arnaud seem obsessed - in the best possible way - with making everything in this project a personal experience. The music can and will move you. Sometimes with melancholy, sometimes with joy. But their attention to detail doesn’t end there. The logo, the colors, even the choice of paper for the CD booklet had to be true to the whole. True to the passion that gave this musical duo life.
Surrender to the music. Surrender to the experience that is ’a story of the heart for being somewhere else.


Red Alibi, music :
W :
F :

Goullagoullik, Illustrations :
W :
I :
F :

Goullagoullik "illustration for Red Alibi" ink on paper, 11.2016

les songs sont d’une douceur transperçante et d’un groove érotique ” BG

“ it has something which comes from I don’t know where, but it gives me a feeling like making love ” AB

“ … très belles paroles de mujo et la saudade des coeurs…
non seulement la musique est magnifique, mais le dialogue entre la belle voix de la chanteuse et la guitare est superbe. Les envolées solo de la guitare me font penser à l’histoire d’amour entre le musicien et son instrument” ALM

your words mean the world to us
thank you so much

posté le  par goullagoullik & red alibi  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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