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Athens Indymedia "under attack", down

gepost op 11/04/13 door A Trefwoorden  répression / contrôle social  luttes numériques / internet 

Today (Apr 11, 2013) at 15:00 Athens time, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) network operations center (NOC) acted out an order by the university’s rector, to disable Internet connectivity to a server hosted within the university network. This server was providing access to the website. As a result, the Indymedia Athens website has been unavailable since this time. The moderators of Indymedia Athens have indication that the rector has decided to shut down the liberal media outlet as a result of increasing pressure from the state prosecutor. This also affected the website ( and online radio streams of Radio98FM, a self-organized pirate radio station, which was broadcasting from inside NTUA.
In the meantime, Indymedia Athens continues to be available via the Tor network. More information on how to access it is available at

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