My grandmother is not a feminist

posté le 02/10/19
lieu : Le Space
adresse : Rue de la Clé 26 Sleutelstraat, Bruxelles
Mots-clés  féminisme  luttes décoloniales 

With her short-documentary, “My grandmother is not a feminist”, Fatima-Zohra Ait El Maâti aims to touch upon the issues of representation of women of Muslim backgrounds within the contemporary European women-empowerment narratives.

« My grandma is the most inspiring woman I know. A muslim, Amazigh woman from North Africa, who left her country and loved ones behind, without knowing anything about the country she was heading to. She has demonstrated her strength through how she fought to build a new life for herself and her family. Throughout her life, she has fought to empower women and she stood for equality, but I know she doesn’t necessarily put this particular narrative on what she did. »

« Because I decided I would no longer wait for representation, and finally start to make the representation happen by myself. »

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