Nuke Summit 2014 Netherlands - callout

posté le 21/03/14
lieu : 123
adresse : rue royale, 123, Bxl
Mots-clés  action  antimilitarisme  nucléaire 

The Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in The Hague will be the biggest summit ever held in the Netherlands. At the same time, the Nuclear Industry Summit (NIS) will be held in Amsterdam and after the NSS, a meeting of the G7 will take place. Lets make sure none of these meetings passes undisturbed !

From 23 March to 25 March, Sunday till Tuesday, Amsterdam and The Hague will be overrun by state and corporate scum. With this, 13.000 cops, 3.000 national guards and 4.000 soldiers are deployed to crush any dissent. The Dutch state wants to present the Netherlands as an oasis of quiet and consent. Lets not give them this satisfaction !

DEMO (not registered)
23 March - 19.00

The NIS in Amsterdam will be holding their opening reception at that moment. This summit kick-off will be held in the Krasnapolsky on the Dam square with Mark Rutte as opening speaker.

Den Haag

DEMO (not registered)
24 March - 20.00

The NSS in The Hague will be having a fancy dinner with the Dutch monarchy, Obama and the whole circus of so called “world leaders”. This dinner will take place in the World Forum and will be surrounded by a military zone with fences, riot cops, helicopters and even the army.

Targets of resistance are visiting us. Lets give them a welcome like they deserve !

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