
Le "Groupe Anarchiste d'Amsterdam" appelle à la manifestation !

We call out to be present on the NoBorderCamp, en to show up on the demo of the 10th of August in Rotterdam.

Because the states and companies, whom create and guard the borders are our natural enemies in the ongoing struggle for freedom.

Because the intrusive smear against the several migrants fits within the international tactics of repression by the governments and semi-government organisations, to expand and intensify their power positions.

Because we think it is important to be visible in the streets as anarchists, and to keep on performing the multiple attacked by the authorities concept of demonstrations.

Because we are in solidarity with the hunger strikers and the people in the several refugee camps- and buildings.

Because no one is legal or illegal.

Because anarchy knows no bosses and politicians, but also no legal statuses, racism, human rights or prisons. They are all definitions and practises of the existing system of oppression and exploitation.

And remember what the NBC is calling out for :
’We strongly invite all groups, organisations and individuals to organise autonomous actions and other initiatives of their own during the No Border Camp !’

See you on the No Border Camp, and see you on Saturday the 10th !

Against states, against borders,
freedom for all people !

Anarchistische groep amsterdam

publié le 29 juillet 2013