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Forgive Them Hank Skinner,They Know Not What They Do..

gepost op 04/08/17 door Anoymous Trefwoorden  répression / contrôle social 

The silence of the United Nations,ACLU,Amnesty International,NAACP and American media on this horrific Hank Skinner Texas lynching,is just as frightening as the planned murder execution itself..

Texas was denied the ability to execute murder Texan Hank Skinner prior DNA testing by the U.S. Supreme Court,not ordered to lose destroy his most crucial exoneration evidence and them still want to execute him like 3rd world countries injustices..

This Communist inspired 1988 U.S. Supreme Court law of Arizona vs Youngblood,allowing innocent Americans to be wrongfully imprisoned and now executed in Texas,is what revolutions are fought over..

Civil Rights/Equal Rights
Human Rights
Washington DC

gepost op  door Anoymous  Waarschuw het moderatiecollectief over de publicatie van dit artikel. Artikel afdrukken


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