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Free Ahmad Saadat, Mustapha Awad and Georges Abdallah

gepost op 20/01/19 door Free Saadat Trefwoorden  actie  luttes sociales  répression / contrôle social  solidarité  Peuples natifs 

Brussels-South Station, January 19th 2019, action for Palestinian prisoners.
Freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat, Secretary-General of the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine, jailed since 2002 by the Palestinian Authority and since 2006 by the Israeli occupier. (Link)
Freedom for Mustapha Awad, Palestinian refugee in Belgium arrested on July 29 2018 by Zionist forces and serving 12 months sentence. (Link)
Freedom for Georges Abdallah, Lebanese communist and fighter for the liberation of Palestine, jailed in France since 1984. (Link)

Free, secular and democratic Palestine, from the river to the sea. Freedom for all political prisoners, freedom for all Palestinian prisoners.


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