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John Jordan & The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination présente :

posté le 11/02/15 par JJ Mots-clés  art  luttes environnementales  projection / débat / concert  nucléaire 

Dear Belgian friends and comrades

In 2 days time, The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii) will be in Brussels at the Kaaitheatre as part of the BURNING ICE festival.

On the 13th of February at 20.30, the Labofii will present the performance We Have Never Been Here Before at the Kaaistudios, 81 Rue Notre-Dame du Sommeil, 1000 Brussels. (for those of you in Ghent the performance will be also at the vooruit as part of the (im)possible futures festival 18th March)

On the 14th (st valentines day !) from 10am – Midnight. The Labofii will be culminating its 2 day workshop on the art of creative resistance, with a public day of info/action LOVE LIFE:HATE FOSSIL FUELS.

Coinciding with the global day of action (Global Divestment Day), calling on institutions to take their investments out of the fossil fuels corporations, Love Life : Hate Fossil Fuels will take us on a day long adventure of creative resistance together with an international array of artists and climate activists.

Food and information will be shared, you will hear about plans for the Paris UN climate summit mobilisations and a taster training in civil disobedience will warm you up for the ‘action speed dating’ event. This will culminate in affinity groups taking on ‘secret missions’ to be performed across the city. As darkness falls we will return to the Kaaitheater to party and celebrate life over profit with our new found rebel friends.
Please bring food to share for lunch and ferocious love to give away. Lets make fossil fuels history ! Its all free but to reserve a place, please sign up here.

The event has been co-organised together with, Climate Express, Platform, The Climate Coalition, Fairfin and Vredesactie/Agir pour la Paix

Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 19 - 1000 Brussels.

Hope to see you there..

yours in solidarity JJ

PS :
For those who know him, my son Jack has composed and is playing the music live to the show and is DJ’s on the night of the 14th, under his DJ name FRACTAL MIND. Other bands that night will be : at 20:00/ 20:30 B-Road Bastardswill give a small concert : at 21:00 / 21:30 Dj’s Mensch Erger je niet start the party with their set - 00:00 / 00:30 Fractal Mind.

Do pass this on to those in your networks who might be interested.

posté le  par JJ  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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