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Solidarité avec les révolté·e·s en Biélorussie - Solidarity with revolted people in Belarus

posté le 14/08/20 Mots-clés  luttes sociales  répression / contrôle social  solidarité 

Aujourd’hui un rassemblement a eu lieu devant l’ambassade de Biélorussie à Bruxelles. Des personnes ont manifesté leur soutien avec les personnes qui luttent contre le régime Lukashenko.
Stop aux violences policières !
Liberté pour tou·te·s les prisonnier·è·s !
Solidarité avec tou·te·s les révolté·e·s et les victimes !

Today a gathering took place in front of the Belarusian embassy in Brussels. People showed their support together with those fighting against the Lukashenko regime.
Stop police violence !
Freedom for all prisoners !
Solidarity with all revolted people and victims !


For the first time in the history of Belarus, people across the country
rebelled against the dictatorship. Many thousands of demonstrations are
held not only in the capital, but also in small towns. People take to
the streets and not only peacefully protest against the authorities, but
also fight against the state apparatus – they help friends and comrades
and clash with punishers.

August 10, barricades appeared in the streets of Minsk for the first
time, while protesters began using molotov cocktails. Some enterprises
and firms went on strike.

In recent days, standing shoulder to shoulder, we have felt what the
energy of the people means. We have realized that together we can
overthrow a tyrant !

The blockage of the Internet could not stop the news flow. People all
over the world have learned that the Belarusian dictatorship is ready to
drown the population in blood just to stay in power. In three days,
police and internal troops detained more than 5000 people, hundreds
suffered from cop violence. At least one person has been killed.

Now more than ever, international solidarity is important in the fight
against Lukashenko. Therefore, we call you all to join the international
day of actions in solidarity with belarusian people ! In what format can
you express your solidarity ? You can hold rallies and demonstrations at
Belarusian embassies and other institutions of Belarusian power in your
country. Take collective photos. Take part in direct actions. Any, even
the smallest solidarity can support the fire of rebellion that will tear
down the dictatorship in our country !

Send your reports to or post on social networks
with the #Belarus hashtag.

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