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Solidarity for anarchist in Yogyakarta!

gepost op 07/06/18 door tobibonano Trefwoorden  solidarité 

Indonesia: Update on the Continuing State Repression against the Yogyakarta Anarchists Following on from May Day.

May Day (Labor Day) which took place on May 1, 2018 at the intersection of three UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Sleman, Yogyakarta still casts a long shadow to this day. 69 May Day participants were arrested and from this number 12 have been declared suspects. Eight comrades are still detained by regional police (up till today 2 June) and a further four comrades were taken into custody and now are released on conditions of reporting to police. On May 7th more arrests took place against 4 friends in Bogor. According to the police testimony, they have been monitoring the comrades since the day of the incident that eventually led to the pursuit and arrest in Bogor.

We hope these details clear confusion over reports that a comrade had given himself up, which is not true. Rumours exist because of false media reporting. Print and online media only mentions 2 people so that this raises the presumption that the unnamed friend surrendered when the arrest in Bogor took place in 2 different locations and the location was not reported. Until now we are still speculating about the reason why the police did not provide complete information related to the arrest in Bogor to the media crew.

Additionaly, other matters that we can convey are the legal counseling of friends in the beginning of the 8 suspects ( who were arrested since the incident on May 1, not counted with comrades caught in Bogor) one friend Brian Valentino, who goes by the name Ucil was the only one who did not get legal counseling. But for now the 8 friends including Ucil have all received legal assistance with the following details:

- 4 people (3 students from Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogja campus and 1 student from Sanata Dharma University) accompanied by LKBH (legal aid lawyers) Islamic University of Indonesia - 1 person (from Manado) accompanied by Team OBH (including LBH) - 1 person (student from National Islamic University) accompanied by LKBH (Mbak Ririn) the other two according to info (unconfirmed ) also accompanied by Ririn Mbak. And for the friends who were arrested in Bogor we are arranging legal assistance for them and will give more detailed info when that happens.

Regarding past and future acts of solidarity from any comrades here in Indonsesia or overseas it is hugely appreciated from our friends inside. Solidarity in the form of previously collected funds for the Ucil’s legal assistance we are now redistributing to Ucil’s other needs and any remainder to the needs of all friends who are currently in detention. Is solidarity is still needed? Yes, in whatever form, because the spirit of us all always get to the friends who are now languishing behind bars.

They have been detained now for a month by the provincial police and will be until June 29 when they will be transferred to Cebongan Prison, Yogyakarta. And for the date of the court hearing we will relay information as we hear of it.

The comrades who are being held are in both good health and spirits. They hear the news that they are not alone and that there is much solidarity for them which makes them smile cheerfully. They never forget to tell their friends who are outside to never extinguish the spirit of class war.

Any funds will be gratefully recieved and can be paid into this paypal account.

Photos are from solidarity actions in Jakarta, Bogor, Manado, Makassar, Balikpapan, and Melbourne-Australia.

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