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Blockupy International Invites Movements, Networks, Organisations to an Open Assembly in Brussels. September 26-27

gepost op 20/08/14 door blockupy Trefwoorden  luttes sociales  solidarité  Indigné / Occupy 

Call for building together a transnational space of initiative for a Europe from below, through, against and beyond current Europe

We, as Blockupy international coordinating group, met in Berlin on June 21st, to discuss the outcomes of the May of Solidarity and the future perspectives. During the days of mobilization actions were various and rich, and we valued positively that many have been organized from outside the May of Solidarity process. We also agreed that, though the Blockupy process is focused on mobilizing towards the opening of the new ECB building in Frankfurt (now scheduled for early 2015), an autonomous political initiative cannot be simply bounded to the dates established by the institutional agenda: we need a larger social and political perspective. The postponing of Turin EU summit on “youth employment”, on the other hand, has left many without a common space to gather, act and discuss. The message of May of Solidarity across Europe – “Solidarity beyond borders, building democracy from below!” – found much resonance, but a strong transnational movement is still to come and we know that no one, beginning with us, could consider themselves to be sufficient.

gepost op  door blockupy  Waarschuw het moderatiecollectief over de publicatie van dit artikel. Artikel afdrukken


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