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Activist summer

1. Ecotopia Biketour
2. The Beat of Courage; the Shape of Hope: creative resistance in the
face of catastrophe
3. Musta Pispala – Anarchist counter-culture festival
4. Cycling alternatives – Neolution
5. Autonomous workers union summer camp
6. Climate camp in the rhineland
7. War starts here camp
8. Reboot ecotopia meeting
9. Fantastic convergence of resistance
10. Pense comme une foret


Mid June – End of September // Exact route to be defined

"Ecotopia Biketour is an eco-mobile do-it-yourself community that has
been practising aspects of activism, alternative ways of organising and
sustainable living throughout different areas of Europe for over 20 years.

The Biketour is for anyone interested in DIY, environmentalism,
activism, community life and learning experientially from cultures, from
challenges, and from each other. Ultimately, it is whatever you make of
it! You are the Biketour!

When on the road, we share skills, practice consensus and act communally
to create an informal and non-hierarchical environment. We cook local
vegan food using a self-built rocket stove, camp and move everything by
sheer pedal power on bikes and trailers. We visit places of alternative
living, environmental and social struggle, ecological farms etc. and we
love to be part of Critical Mass rides.

Each year, we collectively organise a new route and highlight a
different theme such as; food sovereignty; sustainable economics or
global justice."

For more information:

We are still looking out for suggestions who could host the bike-people.
The tour will start either in Sofia, Skopje, Nis or Prishtina and end in
or around Athens. So if you got ideas for host-places, let us know, that
would be awesome!!!


July 5-6 // Berlin, Germany

A 2 day workshop with The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination

Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 July 2014 – 10am to 6pm Berliner Festspiele -
Schaperstraße 24 - 10719 Berlin

Faced with the immensity and complexity of the catastrophic entwining of
ecological, economic and social crises that threaten our entire way of
life, in fact threatens life itself, we often feel paralysed. “/We/
could do more”, our intuition nags at us, and yet something holds us
back from actions commensurate with the scale of the problem.

Participants will be encouraged to share and reflect upon personal and
historical stories of courage and disobedience, learn to trust each
other and engage in horizontal processes of organising, as well as
explore tools for effective strategies that are required in order to
organise appropriate responses to the injustices of the climate

The workshop is free, but places limited, bookings need to be made by
June 15th (with a short letter to
explaining why you’d like to attend, this is to get a sense of who you
are so thate can tailor the workshop to the participants). Confirmations
will be sent by June 22nd. Participants will be expected to bring lunch
to share with others on both days.


July 8-11 // Tampere, Finland

Anarchist counter-culture festival Black Pispala will be held this year
during the second weekend of July, 8.-11.7.2010. Events will take place
around Pispala, Tampere (Finland), including Hirvitalo, Kurpitsatalo,
Vastavirta-klubi, and Pub Kujakolli.

The festival program will focus in particular on the analysis of
anarchist organization and planning as well as sharing practical skills
through workshops relating to local plant use, first aid and other
things. For people who don’t speak Finnish, there will be translators in
most of the workshops.

More info about the logistics, program and how to participate:


July-August // 3 different routes in Europe

3 Cycling Mobile Communities
3 Topics: Permaculture / Solidarity Economy / Self-Organisation
3 weeks in July/August 2014

Join us this summer to learn about different ways to meet existing
social, environmental and economic issues and share your experiences. -
Far away from stuffy seminar rooms, but on your bike, in the open, and
directly from the people who are putting other ways of living into
practice and exchange with others that are trying to do the same.

Join in for 3 weeks of learning, sharing and experiencing a mobile
seminar on bikes. We will cycle in 3 mobile communities from three
different places in Germany and Poland and learn and exchange about the
topics of Permaculture

Want to join?
Find out more about the project and how to join on our page:

Registration deadline is June 14th! If you have any questions about the
project, contact us anytime :


August 22 – 26 // Ukraine

We, the anarchists of the Autonomous Workers Union, invite our comrades
to the international libertarian summer camp, which will take place from
22nd to 26th of August. There will be lectures and workshops on the
theory and practice of anarchism, engagement in sports and exercises,
acquaintances and communication between the activists from different
countries and, of course, the invaluable experience of
self-organization. Every participant will have the opportunity to
partake in the camp’s cultural, educational, and sports agenda — one
only needs to get in touch with us and voice their ideas and wishes. A
kitchen will be set up at the camp. A participant will be expected to
make a contribution, which will be spent on food, fresh water and
camping fees.

The exact amount of the contribution is still unknown (it depends on the
food price fluctuation at the end of summer), but is assumed to be about
300 hryvnias — 18.5 Euro at the current exchange rate.

We will organize a vegetarian diet only. A participant who’d like to
have some non-vegetarian meal at the camp is expected to provide it for
themself. worker’s union

A camp entrant should have:

1) sleeping mat and a sleeping bag.
2) #separate set of tableware (a bowl, a cup, a spoon and a fork)
3) Personal hygiene items
4) Mosquito repellent.

We would also ask everyone to bring tents if possible, in order to
reduce the overall cost of accommodation.

The exact camp location and the directions will be sent personally to
those who submitted the application form. You can find the form at the
following link:

Fascists, Stalinists, sexists, homophobes, authoritarians and other
discrimination advocates are not welcome.

Ukraine, Kyiv, June 2014
No god, no master, no nations, no borders!


July 26 – August 3 // Borschemich, Germany

All of Rhineland Coalfield is under RWE’s control. To exploit coal, the
corporation destroys forests, villages, aquifers and agricultural land.
Their power plants are heating up the atmosphere with 100 million tons
of CO2 per year – with catastrophic consequences for ecosystems and
livelihoods worldwide. All of Rhineland Coalfield?!

Yes or no…. That’s at stake right now. Some indomitable people still
hold out to resist the destruction. Some stay in their houses which
stand on the verge of demolition. Others occupy the trees which are
bound to be clear-cut, and plant vegetables on the soil destined to be
digged away. For decades, citizen initiatives have been fighting against
forced eviction and pollution with particle matter. Environmental
organizations are active against the devastating consequences of coal
policy and go to court against it. With exhibitions and bike
demonstrations, meadow occupations and coal train blockades,
environmental activists resist the destruction of nature and climate.

And they are all spoiling RWE’s plans….

The Rhineland Climate Camp will be as manifold as this resistance. This
year it will take place from July 27 to August 3, 2014 in Borschemich,
close to the open-cast coal mine Garzweiler – only few metres away from
the bucket-wheel excavators. Here we get together to exchange our skills
and knowledge, to build up alternative structures and networks, and to
plan different actions against the lignite mining complex. Together we
bring back life to a village on the brink of demolition. If you look for
the place where you can tackle the root of global climate change: it is

On the camp we want to create a living space for change where we bring
together our perspectives, discuss our differences in critical
solidarity and use our strengths together.

For a Good Life for everybody – in all of Rhineland Coalfield and worldwide!


August 17-25 // Near Magdeburg, Germany

War starts here. Nowadays politicians are clear and open about their
position: there shall be no more restraint from German ground when it
comes to military operations. No more war – a major lesson learned from
German history – is outdated. Germany defends its claims to power and
secures its wealth by all means.
Militarization of society proceeds on all levels. An openly-aggressive
foreign policy comes along with increasing exports of armaments and
offensive NATO missions.

The apparent normality of these prevailing conditions disgusts us and
makes us angry. We will interfere resolutely and inappeasably. We call
on you to join the third War-Starts-Here-Camp against militarization and
neocolonialism in August 2014. War starts here – let’s stop it here!
In opposition to the ‘GÜZ’ (field exercise center of the army) we will
built our campsite which will offer a framework for workshops, lectures,
discussions, excursions and direct actions of all kinds. The
War-Starts-Here-Camp seems to be the right place to come together with
the goal to to leave the place with more skills and motivation for our
daily struggles.

In framework of the camp ’War Starts Here’ is scheduled a non-violent
action to trespass the military training area of Altmark and to settle
down and create symbols of life against the war scenery. In the combat
training center soldiers are prepared for combat missions abroad. (in German)



September 6th // Location to be decided

Dear fellow Ecotopians, too many years have passed since we’ve seen y’all!

We’d love to hear about your projects and see our kids play twixt
teepees and circus tents as in the days of yore, so come intentioneer
and materialize Spirit of Ecotopia 2015 with us!

Please rsvp before the end of June, so we can set up a mailing list and
make sure we have a big enough place and time slot, as well as sleeping
places if need be.

For those who have an extra day, there is the opportunity to visit our
little "Permanent Ecotopia" region of Fläming County, just outside of
Berlin, with 500 eco- and community minded people in one small town and
many villages. C’mon over!

Much ecotopian love from

Tobias and Meinhard

rsvp NOW to


Fall 2014 // Frankfurt (Main), Germany

The Troika, not content simply to oversee or even directly administer
the budgetary functioning of entire States, seeks also to dictate the
very conditions of our lives, reducing the latter to a simple question
of “human resource management”. The impression of being dominated,
overwhelmed, and finally altogether crushed by a self-appointed clique
of “Core European” bureaucrats has become one of the more salient
features of the present.

We are living through the intentional destruction of the social, a
calculated pauperization of our daily lives, a massive acceleration in
the concentration of wealth and power, a conscious instrumentalization
of xenophobic resentments.

It´s time to get our lives back, to reinvent community, to organize

It is necessary to transpose our experiences of local struggle to a
higher offensive level, beyond the national frame of reference inherent
to the movement, in order to sandwich the State on the European level as
well. The opening of the new headquarters of the European Central Bank
will be the occasion for us to reconverge, to unite our forces against a
common enemy.


October 3-12 // Belgium

The laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (UK/France), together
with Agir pour la Paix and Cense équi’voc, organise for the first time
in French, the training "Think like a Forest": "Pense comme une forêt"
is an intensive residential training exploring the tactics of
art-activism and the skills necessary to build social groups that are
ecological and deeply democratic. This will take place from the 3rd to
the 12th of october 2014 in Belgian countryside.

Applications to be sent by July the 15th, answers will be given by
August the 1st.
All the info (in French only) on

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