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My local Riseup admin has lost its mind and no one cares !

posté le 18/11/18 par eLBe Mots-clés  luttes numériques / internet 

Hi there from the European woodlands. My local admin down in the plains where foreign military occupation went away a generation ago has lost its mind. This is to be concluded from the fact that it is lobbying against my freedom of speech even when I have not said anything wrong. If I came to the abandoned border police station where it lives as the paramilitary nurse as which I worked in the cold war, I would have to file a medical report, but for me the cold war is over. We haven´t met in more than a handful of years, but the last time I checked it appeared to be a sovereign patient deserving solidarity for undeserved suffering from workplace conditions. As an inland refugee from the occupied woodlands, it also ought to practice some solidarity with these of us persisting here despite of corrupted rule of law. Medical common sense recommends me to leave it alone with its internal issues, but that is not good for Riseup. What do you think ?

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posté le  par eLBe  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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